Nitrogen Inflation
The air we breathe (and the normal compressed air used to inflate tyres) contains 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen and 1% other gasses. Purified nitrogen has been used to inflate the tyres of racing cars, aircraft and heavy commercial vehicles for some time. However it is only relatively recently that it has come to use in normal passenger cars.
The use of nitrogen in passenger car tyres can produce benefits, such as:
Using nitrogen does not remove or reduce the need to check tyre pressures as the risk of a puncture or slow leak is not altered. Nitrogen cannot replace regular tyre maintenance. Regardless of what inflation gas is used, maximum tyre life will only be achieved if the vehicle and tyres are properly maintained. That means regular checking of tyre pressures, wheel balance and alignment.
For some time now, Nitrogen inflation of tyres has been used in trucks, aircraft, race cars and industrial applications. Underwood Tyres now offers this service to customers with passenger cars, light trucks & 4WD's.
There are major benefits with nitrogen inflation over the traditional compressed air that can significantly increase the life, performance and safety of your tyres.
Underwood Tyres N27 Nitrogen Programme offers you the following benefits:
- Stable Tyre Pressure
- Better Grip
- Safer in all weather conditions
- Less frequent pressure checks
- Increased fuel economy
- Zero internal oxidisation through elimination of moisture
- Increased tyre life
Coloured Nitrogen Valve Caps:
To identify tyres filled with nitrogen our industry has adopted the use of coloured valve caps that inform the user and service personnel that your tyres are inflated with nitrogen instead of air.
Nitrogen (N2)inflated tyre
Pressure loss is caused by air migration. Nitrogen migrates 3 to 4 times slower than compressed air.
1. Stable tyre pressure
- Pressure loss is caused by air migration. Nitrogen's larger molecules migrate 3-4 times slower.
2. Better grip
- Correct inflation creates better grip with an ideal tyre footprint.
3. Safer in all weather conditions
- Tyre blowouts are more frequent in hot weather.
- 90% of tyre blowouts are caused by Under inflation.
- Nitrogen provides more consistent pressure reducing blowout potential.
4. Less frequent pressure checks
- 85% of Australians fail to frequently check their tyre pressures. Nitrogen helps maintain consistant pressure. Your local JAXQuickfit store offers FREE pressure checks and requisite top-ups for the life of the tyre!
5. Increased fuel economy
- An under-inflated tyre increases a vehicle's rolling resistance, resulting in higher fuel consumption. Nitrogen inflation decreases fuel consumption meaning less impact on the environment.
6. Increased tyre life
- Stable inflation pressures increase tyre life by reducing premature wear.
Recommended Inflation Pressures
To ensure that you are able to enjoy the maximum benefits offered by your tyres, they should be inflated and maintained in accordance to the recommendations specified on the vehicle placard.
The placard may be found inside the driver's door or sometimes in the glove box